Monday, September 11, 2006

Entry 2

[OOC: This journal is best read from the first post (Preface) moving forward in time]

The amazing events continue, dear reader.

Of late, I have been assisting a certain hooluk named Hoo'Loh who hides, rather precariously, on a chain in the Barren Sky. He promised me something nice for saving him from the Vultak, but now needs more components for it. But, being the kind person I am, I have been gathering those components.

All that I needed today was some pristine Scaleborn blood, taken from a Scaleborn warrior within the Sanctum of the Scaleborn, and some blood from a Bloodscale Dreadknight.

Now, I knew where to find the first -- I have been in the Sanctum many times, so with the asistance of someone who was sitting in the League's chatty tavern, I went into the sanctum and began to kill the foul warriors. It took some time, as only the most pristine blood would do, but finally I scooped some up into a vial for later.

As for the Bloodscale Dreadknight, I knew these were not so easy to reach, for they were the guardians of the dragons in the Palace of the Awakened. I joined a group heading into there to seek experience and treasure, and we managed to slay not one but two dragons: A green and a blue. Luckily, we also had to slay some of the Dreadknights, one of which had just the blood I was looking for.

At this point I set off back to Hoo'Loh and I once again made that perilous climb up the chain. But still Hoo'Loh was not satisfied. I had to sneak into the Vultak-infested Nest of the Great Egg and bless the materials before it. This was no easy feat, with my disguise only effective at someone of a distance, and the place simply crawling with hostile Vultak.

The next page of the journal has a sketch of the Great Egg.

That was quite an escape from the Nest! After communing with the egg and having the items blessed, my disguise fell to pieces and I had to kill two of the vultak before I could make my magic-aided escape. I placed the bodies so that it appear the two fought so that there would be no danger to the Great Egg. I'm sure the Hoo'luk would be rather unhappy if I was the cause of their Egg's destruction.

But, once I returned to Hoo'Loh and gave him the blessed ingredients, he kept his word and gave me a rather excellent hat. It was such a nice item, it made me feel that I had truly achieved something there. And what's more, the experience I had sneaking through the Nest and getting the items for that hat was enough for me to advance to the 67th rank of Wardenship.

And, even later in the day, after I retired from adventuring and decided to practice my furniture-making skills once more, the foreman there commented that my skill had much improved and elevated me to the 51st level of Carpentry.


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